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Legend - What are these?
Gold (4) Gold : 4 points
Silver (2) Silver : 2 points
Bronze (1) Bronze : 1 points
Disallowed Disallowed Rating
High reliabilityHigh reliability
Normal reliabilityNormal reliability
Low reliabilityLow reliability

NeoCRS Approval Points

Find out more...

What are approval points?

Approval points are the adjusted numbers of submissions by the approval ratio. These points are not meant to indicate your total contribution volume, like NeoPoints. Instead we use them to determine a contributor's CRS status. Each contributor has a status in each individual contribution category, and there are 3 status levels for each category:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
The status levels are not just a reflection of the number of contributions you make in each category, it is also a reflection of the consistency and quality of those contributions. That's why approval points are actually affected by the ratio of approved versus rejected contributions.

What do the Bronze, Silver, and Gold statuses do?

Your status in a contribution category determines 2 things:

  • How many points you can rate a contribution up, or down, in that category
  • Whether your contributions start as high reliability, or regular reliability.

High Reliability, Low Reliability?!?

Reliability is new to NEOCRS, version 2.1.0 and above. It represents what the system, and community feel is the quality or reliability of a submission. Users who are Silver status in a contribution category automatically have their submissions promoted to High Reliability upon submission. Users with a lower than 30% approval ratio in a category automatically have their reliability set to Low Reliability. Everyone else's contributions are submitted as normal reliability.

Reliability affects how easy it is for the community to approve or reject submissions. CRS Approvers also use it as a guide in their approval process.

Submissions can also move up and down in the reliability scale. Members with Bronze or above status can rate a submission up or down. When a submission is rated with enough points, the submission's Reliability will shift up or down, correspondingly.

Some key points of interest for Reliability:

  1. It takes 7 rating points up or down to move an item into the next reliability grade
  2. High Reliability submissions that receive 7 points Up will be approved into Neoseeker.
  3. Low Reliability submissions that receive 7 points Down will be rejected.
  4. Submissions of ANY reliability can be rated up or down, eg a High Reliability item can be rejected if it was rated enough to go from High, to Normal, to Low, and then beyond.
Gold, Silver and Bronze rating points
Each status level allows you to rate a certain number of points up or down. Gold rates 4 points, silver rates 2 points, and bronze rates 1 point. You'll notice that the icon represents the number of points your vote would add or subtract from a submission as well as rank based on the icon colour.
  • Gold (rating adds 4 points)
  • Silver (rating adds 2 points)
  • Bronze (rating adds 1 points)

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